A team of students of Information and Communication Networks Engineering wins Cisco University Challenge

A group of Técnico students (degree in Information and Communication Networks Engineering – LETI) won the Cyber Security University Challenge organised by Cisco. The team composed of João Carmo, Bernardo Valente, Daniel Gomes and Francisco Machado stood out from the other teams from Universidade Nova Lisboa and Universidade do Minho.
The challenge was divided into three stages. “The first stage consisted of a quiz (kahoot) about the history of CISCO; the second stage, and the most important one, related to the analysis of several captures using Wireshark (each Wireshark capture was associated with a specific protocol/attack); and in the third stage each team gave a short presentation about the work carried out”, explains João Carmo.
According to João Carmo, the Técnico team stood out from the rest due to “our knowledge and skills acquired beforehand, which were necessary to quickly learn new protocols and/or technologies”. “However, this was a tight competition because the other teams demonstrated that they had skill sets similar to ours”, he adds.
“This experience is undoubtedly an added value, especially for those who want to pursue a career in this field”, says João Carmo.