Datas de discussão de Teses de Mestrado: Novembro

📆 Dia🕒 Hora📌 Aluno📝 Título da dissertação
517hPedro Henrique Menezes EidGenerative Artificial Intelligence for Analog Integrated Circuit Design Automation
189hEduardo Apolo Peixoto GomesUAV based Mesh Network for Support of Ground
1816h30Diogo Luís Louro AntunesP2P Markets to Support Trading in Smart Grids with Electric Vehicles
1817hAlexandra Maria Pereira LeitãoWearable Heart-Rate and Oximeter Real-Time Monitor
1817h30Pedro Alexandre Pereira BaptistaTowards a Collaborative Framework for Competing Entities
1910hTiago Filipe Espadinha SimõesAssessing the Precision of Onboard Trajectory Estimation in Autonomous Car Navigation Using a Single External Camera
1910hRicardo Reis Pedreiras CardosoEstimating object physical properties from RGB-D vision and depth robot sensors using deep learning
1912hBruno Miguel da Silva CebolaComparative Analysis of Approaches to Perform Human Activity Recognition in Public Transportation Hubs
1914hAfonso Teixeira Diniz Antunes BarradasOptimal Resources Management
209hRita Martins Felizol Valente PereiraGraphs Are All You Need: the Role of Graph-based MIL and
Interventional Training in the Generalization of WSI Classifiers
2010h30Henrique Mendes Fanha Filipe ConstantinoTennis ball trajectories: Elements for a mechanical launcher
219hAndré Fatela CarvalhoReal-Time Digital Audio Signal Convolution in Heterogeneous Computing Systems
2010hPaulo Luís Santos CruzLearning-based Static Point Cloud Coding
2011hJoão Pedro Duarte CoelhoEnergy Efficiency for Bus Systems (EEBus) protocol stack demonstrator
2013h30André Octávio da Silva Ferreira e FerreiraAutomated Package Identification using Computer Vision and Machine Learning Techniques
2014hGonçalo Nuno Freire da CostaGeneralizing GPU Tensor-Core Based Higher-Order Epistasis Detection
2014hMarco António dos Santos LopesAnalysis of bird head movements and it’s relation to the evolution from dinosaurs
2015h30Santiago Ledesma Frazão de Barros QuintasOptimising Sparse Computing on GPU and Tensor Cores
2017h30Beatriz Pêga CorreiaImage-based Shrimp Monitoring System
219h30Inês Isabel Ferreira FernandesSocial and Geographical Routing for Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks
2111hDaniel Mateus da Costa PauloIoT Data Processing using Edge Computing
2111h30João Francisco Mendes da Costa FelizardoComputational Auditory Process Simulator for Optimising the Parameters of Cochlear Implants
2112hKeval Visnu RamniclalClosed-loop and distributed load testing of Web applications using Kubernetes
2114hMaria Inês Neto AbrantesModeling of Surge Arresters
2117hLuís Filipe Coelho Teixeira da CostaOptimization of Charging Point Operators Operation - A
Virtual OCPP Simulator
229hHenrique Alves GonçalvesMPEG-1/2 audio decoder using a System-on-Chip with a RISC-V processor
229hGuilherme Silva DiasManagement of energy communities considering ADMM
2210hTiago Miguel Branco FerreiraDistributed control of large-scale power grids with renewable energy sources
2210h30Manuel Maria Pereira Vieira Luiz GomesAutonomous Learning System with Reinforcement Learning on FPGA
2211hRui Miguel Cesário de SousaMachine Learning for Smart Electric Vehicle Charging
Optimization using Renewable Energy Sources
2214hAntónio Pedro Martins Costa Ferreira PachecoControl of high gain hybrid boost converters for photovoltaic applications
2217hSimão Barbosa Eiriz de SousaLeveraging Voting Methods to Increase Trading
Performance in the Forex Market
2218h30Ayesha AslamUnderwater Optical Communication for Coordinated and
Cooperative Autonomous Marine Vehicles
259hJoão Rafael Lopes PedrosaCalibração dos parâmetros extrínsecos e intrínsecos de um sistema câmara + projetor
2510h30Daniel Alexandre Mendes PachecoNear-Memory Sparse Tensor Processing
2511hJoão Guilherme Mendes da Costa FelizardoPassively Safe Trajectory Generation using Model Predictive Control
2513hHenrique Reis Pedreiras CardosoLandfills modeling and characterization using electromagnetic induction technologies transported by mobile robots
2514hJosé Miguel Valério AntunesEfficient FHE on Massively Parallel Accelerators
2517hFábio Tereso SantosGeospatial Analysis of the Available Absorption Capacity to Receive the Planned Renewable Capacity in Portugal and Spain Until 2030
2517h30Miguel Mendes Brás da SilvaVideo Infrastructure for Remote Controlled Laboratories
268hGonçalo Gomes da Silva CoelhoAugmented Reality for information fusion in teleoperation of mobile robots
2610hAlexandre Filipe Gonçalves LopesTactile information and hand synergies for predictive models in in-hand manipulation
2610h30Pedro Filipe Dias GuerreiroDeveloping the new MACSec standard on reconfigurable devices
2612hMiguel Mendes VicenteModelos de causalidade para determinação do impacto de acções comerciais
2614hAfonso Brito Caiado Correia AlemãoNeural Networks for System Macromodeling: Leveraging Reservoir Computing and Continuous-Time Models
2614hJoão André Tomé LehodeyAutonomous Surface Craft for Rapid Development and Evaluation of Guidance, Navigation, and Control Algorithms
2617hTiago Miguel da Silva CapítuloCélulas Solares e Smart Cities
279hMiguel Tavares CarreiroIncorporation of User Code for Remote Control of Experiments
279hYosef Shmuel Guevara SalamancaTowards Real-Time Hydrodynamics and Fluid Simulation for Marine Robotics
2710hRicardo Alexandre Ramos RodriguesPerceptual Skills for Social Robots
2710hAdrian HertaUsing Denoising Diffusion Models to Accelerate DWI-MRI Scans
2710h30Lara Sophie GemmrichEstimating Sea Ice Thickness in the Arctic using ROV-based Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging
2711hPedro Miguel Carvalho JacintoPersonality trait detection
2711h30Filipe Miguel de Oliveira RibeiroModelação funcional e prognóstico em doentes com Pneumonia Covid tratados com Suporte por Técnica de ECMO
2713hDuarte Venâncio Leão Ribeiro da SilvaDistributed and Centralized Observers for Sensor Fusion with Non-Gaussian Noises
2714hRui Pedro Canário DanielContinual Deep Active Learning for Medical Imaging:
Replay-Base Architecture for Context Adaptation
2714hDiogo De Sousa MatosDeep Neural Network Characterization with Cache-Aware Roofline Modeling in Tensor Cores
2714h30Duarte Henriques da Luz CerdeiraDistribution of mobile robots and placement of charging stations in solar farms
2715h30João Miguel Pousadas BrotasHigh-performance out-of-memory graph traversal computing
2717h30Farooq OlanrewajuSemi-Autonomous Grasp Planning Algorithm for Underwater Applications
2810hHugo Daniel Sousa LimaBenchmarking Real-Time Fire and Smoke Segmentation in RGB Images for Wildfire Monitoring
2810hAfonso Vira dos Santos CamarãoPredicting Movements in the Forex Market Using Machine
Learning and Genetic Algorithms to Manage Trades
2811hVasco Pissarra e Almeida Vargas FigueiredoTechnical and Economic Assessment of Variable Renewable Energy Resources in Virtual Power Plants
2811h30Daniel Gomes SerranoDevelopment of a Smart Energy Management System (SEMS) for Extended-Range of an Unmanned Marine-Surface Electric Vehicle (USV Catamaran) for Border Surveillance Missions
2811h30André Hilário CunhaNetwork Energy Saving Techniques Aided by AI/ML in 4G/5G Networks
2813h30Robert Nicholas NorfleetAutonomous Labelling and Supervised Learning of a Deep
Neural Network for Sea Ice Segmentation
2814hPedro Francisco Valente SoaresHeat Extraction Systems for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
2814h30Filipe Reis de Sousa Prado do CarmoPlanning of survivable ultra-high bandwidth optical networks using deep learning techniques
2815hManuel Ferreira Sardinha Diogo de MatosSmart charging approach for off-board EVs chargers in home-energy hub combining photovoltaic and battery storage
2816hPedro Rodrigo AfonsoAn Unmanned Marine-Surface Electric Vehicle (USV Catamaran): Simulation Model and Experimental Validation
2817h30Ana Rita David BrásGrasp unknown fresco pieces with soft-hands
2818hAndré Dourado do NascimentoClassification algorithms for LV network asset characterisation based on impedance statistical information
299hJoão Pedro Pinto NunesCombining Prompt Engineering and Model-driven Approaches to Rapidly Produce Business Applications
2910hGonçalo Miguel de Seixas LuzSeabed Survey and Inspection with Underwater Robots
2910h30João Miguel Custódio GomesAutomated Program Repair for ARM Assembly Code Using
2911hMaria Gomes RodriguesAssessment of Buildings Performance to Identify Business
Tomás Marques Videira Fonseca
Modelling the Power Consumption of Computers in an Engineering School
2916hRui Gabriel Marques AraújoImpact of Solar Cell Ageing

em atualização