DEEC Luncheon Seminar: "Twizz: The Multimodal Conversational Wizard of Complex Manual Tasks", pelo professor João Magalhães

No próximo dia 6 de dezembro, quarta-feira, às 12:30, terá lugar no anfiteatro EA1 da Torre Norte uma nova sessão do DEEC Luncheon com uma apresentação do Professor João Magalhães, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Título: "Twizz: The Multimodal Conversational Wizard of Complex Manual Tasks"
Resumo: "Conversational agents have become an integral part of our daily routines, aiding humans in various tasks. Helping humans in real-world manual tasks is a complex and challenging paradigm, where it is necessary to leverage multiple information sources, provide several multimodal stimuli, and be able to correctly ground the conversation in a helpful and robust manner. In this talk, I will describe Twizz, a conversational AI assistant that is helpful, knowledgeable, and engaging, and designed to guide users towards the successful completion of complex manual tasks."