Alumna de doutoramento Mariana Almeida recebe menção honrosa nos Prémios IBM 2010

Mariana Almeida, doutorada em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores sob orientação do Professor Luís Borges de Almeida, foi distinguida com menção honrosa no âmbito do Prémio IBM.

"Blind deblurring of images" 

The work proposes a new blind deblurring method. In contrast with existing methods, this approach only makes weak assumptions on the blurring filter, being applicable to a wide range of deblurring degradations. The method can be applied to gray-scale and color images, to single-frame and multi-frame scenarios, and can be extended to images composed of two layers that were differently blurred. Comprehensive experiments show that the method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both synthetic degradation and actual photos. 
