Welcome session for LEAer students: program

Congratulations to the new students of the Degree in Aerospace Engineering (LEAder)!

The Presentation Session for new LEAer students will take place on September 14, at 2:30 pm, in the QA amphitheater, with the following structure:

14h30 - Welcome by the LEAer Coordinating Committee
14h35 - Structure of LEAer - Professor Paulo Oliveira
14h50 - Welcome by Vice President of DEEC - Professor Paulo André
15h00 - Welcome by President of DEM - Professor Pedro Coelho
15h10 - Welcome by President of AeroTéc
15h20 - Welcome by President of AEIST
15h30 - Closure

At the end of the presentation session, meetings will be held by each Tutor with their Students.

All are invited to show up and greet the new LEAer students.
