Welcome to new students, who start LEEC in 2023

The welcome session for new LEEC students will take place on September 5th at 2pm, in the "Salão Nobre" of IST:
14:00 Presentation of DEEC (Prof. José Santos-Victor, President of DEEC)
14:15 Presentation of LEEC (Prof. Paulo Lobato Correia, LEEC Coordinator)
14:45 Presentation by LEEC Course Delegates (Nuno Abreu, 2nd Year LEEC Delegate)
14:55 Presentation of NEEC (Gonçalo Midões, President of NEEC)
15:05 Presentation of JEEC (Margarida Pereira, JEEC Coordinator)
15:15 Academic support programs for Students (NDA Representative)
15:30 Socializing, delivery of a welcome kit and visit to the NEEC panel
(North Tower atrium, includes small snack)
16:00 Meetings between Tutors and Tutees
Everyone is invited to be present and welcome the new students.