MicroEletronics MSc & PhD Talk

On the 8th, the IEEE-IST Student Brunch will host a presentation about microelectronics at the Alameda campus. The event will feature Diogo Ralo, alumnus of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electronic Engineering, and Filipe Azevedo, PhD student. According to the announcement made by the student association "the purpose of this talk is to disseminate the research being done by PhD and MsC students in the area of microeletronics, to create awareness for both bachelor's and master's students interested in the area, and also other researchers."
For Diogo Ralo "nowadays eletronic portable systems with exellent battery life are the new standart. Hence todays´s circuits must be ddesgned targeting low power consuptions. This work presents a novel low power voltage reference"
Filipe Azevedo will present how the application of denoising diffusion probabilistic models, a type of machine learning model typically used in image generation and restoration, could be used to "solve the inverse sizing problem, a common problem in analog integrated circuit design automation."
Registrations must be made by January 4th, by filling out this form.
Image: IEEE-IST Student Branch