"Advances in Partial Information Decomposition", by André Gomes

On January 29, André Gomes will defend his doctoral thesis titled Advances in Partial Information Decomposition, supervised by Professor Mário Figueiredo, and falling within the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The defense will take place at 9:30 AM in Amphitheater PA-3 (Level -1 of the Mathematics Pavilion) on the Alameda campus.
The jury will be chaired by Professor Paulo Oliveira and composed of Professors Mário Figueiredo, Miguel Santos, and João Xavier (from Instituto Superior Técnico), Luís Antunes (from the University of Porto), Armando de Pinho (from the University of Aveiro), and Artemy Kolchinsky (from the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) – individuals of recognized competence in the scientific field of the thesis.