Master Theses discussion dates: December

📆 Day | 🕒 Time | 📌 Student | 📝 Title of dissertation |
2 | 1 PM | Gonçalo Mansilha Pena Galante | Combining intra- and inter-subject data for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease |
2 | 1 PM | Afonso Bispo Certo | End-to-End Robot Task Planning from Transcriptions of Voice Commands |
2 | 5 PM | Hugo José Mendonça Serrano | Investigation of thermal and radiation effects on the performance of P-N junctions under simulated space conditions |
3 | 12h | Diogo Alexandre Bento Mucharrinha | Control of a vehicle with two drivable and steerable wheels |
3 | 12h | Afonso Maria Soares Moita de Deus de Araújo | SMART Hand Rehabilitation after Stroke |
3 | 2 PM | Vinicius Meneses Souza | Improving Autonomous Navigation for Car-like Vehicles with Dual GNSS Integration |
3 | 2 PM | Filipe Miguel de Amaro Oliveira | Optimal Energy Recovery Using Induction Generators Coupled to Pump as Turbines in water systems (or rural applications) |
3 | 3 PM | Miguel Maria Siqueira de Almeida Archer de Carvalho | Efeito da Corrosão em Concentradores Solares |
3 | 5 PM | Duarte Miguel de Aguiar Pinto e Morais Marques | Layout design automation for power devices |
4 | 10:30 AM | André Viúla Pires | Thermography for Vineyard Water Status Estimation |
4 | 1 PM | Maria Carolina Teles de Carvalho Pais Leite | Calibration of an Array of Tactile Sensors Using Neural Networks with GUI Integration |
4 | 2:30 PM | Ricardo Jorge Dias Sampaio | Developing a Cost-effective Secure Visible Light Communication System with Chaotic-Based Key Generation |
5 | 10 AM | Catarina Coelho Henriques | Use of transfer learning in forecast algoritms |
5 | 11 AM | Henrique Almeida Nunes | Single Inductor Multiple Output (SIMO) integrated DCDC converter control |
5 | 1:30 PM | Diogo Filipe Baptista da Silva | Real-time Control of Dexterous Robot Hands with Tactile Sensing |
5 | 3 PM | João Soares Vila Luz | Power Loss Calculation Introduced by Power Routers |
5 | 5 PM | Afonso Santos Carapeto | Electronic Identification Badge for New IST Students |
6 | 9 AM | Ana Rita Martins | Vision-based control of ROV/AUVs |
6 | 10 AM | Ana Bárbara Botelho da Silva Correia | Machine learning-based detection of volatile organic compounds in an electronic nose |
6 | 10:30 AM | Rodrigo Ken Nishikawa | Recovery Control of Hybrid UAV |
6 | 11 AM | Jorge Miguel Carmo Lourenço | Development of an Impedance Monitoring System for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries |
6 | 5 PM | Margarida Aranha Pereira | Towards Perception of Zero Latency in Teleoperation: a Predictive Digital Twin Interface for Remote Planetary Rovers |
9 | 3 PM | Eduardo Filipe Rocha Pinto | Military Boot Vibration Energy Harvesting |
12 | 9 AM | Fábio Miguel Magalhães Dias | Ultra-Compact ΣΔ Modulator for Organ-on-Chip Systems |
12 | 11 AM | Rodrigues de Fátima Jacinto | Incorporação de materiais piezoelétricos no fardamento militar |
12 | 3 PM | Eduardo Daniel Roque Martins | Voltage references for IoT sensor nodes integrated circuits |
12 | 5 PM | Diogo Matos Ferreira | Very High Speed, Time Domain, Analog-to-Digital Converter |
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