Statistical Signal Processing: Robustness, Outliers and Temporal Correlation. Applications in target localization, linear regression, mean estimation, Procrustes alignment, and distributed detection, by João Domingos

On March 10th, PhD student João Domingos will defend his thesis titled "Statistical Signal Processing: Robustness, Outliers and Temporal Correlation. Applications in target localization, linear regression, mean estimation, Procrustes alignment, and distributed detection." The defense will take place at 2:00 PM in the PA-3 amphitheater (on the -1 floor of the Mathematics Pavilion) at IST.
The thesis, in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was supervised by Professor João Xavier.
The jury will be chaired by Professor Paulo Oliveira and will consist of Professors João Xavier, Mário Figueiredo, a faculty member of DEEC, José Moura from the College of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, and Giuseppe Calafiore from the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at Politecnico di Torino.