TagEnergy Scholarship | Women in Energy | MSc with applications open until July 5th

Applications for the TagEnergy Scholarship are now open | Women in Energy | MSc, an initiative that aims to promote the participation of women in scientific areas related to energy.
This scholarship is intended to support students enrolled in master's degrees at Técnico, with a total value of 6,000 euros, covering tuition fees and providing monthly support throughout the academic year.

Scholarship Recipients
The TagEnergy Bag | Women in Energy | MSc is aimed exclusively at female students, who are enrolled or candidates for a master's course at Técnico. Preferred areas of study include:
– Engineering in Energy Resources
– Energy Engineering and Management
– Environmental Engineering
– Mechanical Engineering
– Electronic Engineering
– Civil Engineering
– Electrical and Computer Engineering

Financial Support Structure
The total value of the scholarship, 6,000 euros, will be distributed as follows:
Up to 1,000 euros to pay the tuition fee.
The remainder will be divided into 10 monthly payments, providing ongoing support throughout the academic year.

Access Conditions
To apply for the scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:
– Be a candidate or be enrolled in a Master’s degree at Técnico for the academic year 2024/2025.
– Not be beneficiary of another scholarship.

Important Dates
– Reception of applications: June 17th to July 5th
– Selection of candidates: July 8th to 17th
– Communication of results: July 18th to 24th
– Signing of Scholarship Contract: From September 9th

This initiative represents an important step towards encouraging the presence and development of women in technological and scientific areas crucial to the future of energy. Interested parties should prepare their applications and take advantage of this unique opportunity to support their studies and professional development.


More information and regulations.

Questions: pe@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
