8th Edition of the TecInnov Santander Competitions Awards honours Técnico students’ organisations

The Técnico Students’ Organisations AeroTécFormula StudentGameDevJunitecTécnico Solar BoatMobile Energy Sustainability Project (PSEM) and Técnico Fuel Cell were the winners of the TecInnov Santander Competitions Awards. The award ceremony took place on March 15, in the Main Building’s Meeting Room, at Técnico – Alameda campus. The initiative aims to recognise the work developed by the students’ organisations in international technological projects. After this edition, Santander has already awarded 38 prizes to projects carried out by Técnico students, totalling 170,000 euros.”

Rogério Colaço, President of Instituto Superior Técnico, praised the quality of the awarded students. “The 60 active students’ organisations set Técnico apart, putting it on a top level”, he emphasised.

Isabel Dias, Vice-president of Técnico for Financial Management, highlighted: “When I see your presentations, I can see how prepared you are for the future.”

Jorge Leitão, Branch Manager at Santander, congratulated the students and emphasised “Santander is very proud to be associated with these initiatives”.

Pedro Monteiro, president of the Técnico Students’ Union (AEIST), expressed his gratitude for the hard work carried out by the students’ organisations and for Santander’s support. “Students are the centrepiece of talent development and recognising them will always be a winning bet”, he said.

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