Celfocus distinguishes best Machine Learning student

Celfocus, a company that is part of the Técnico Partner Network, awarded, on May 11th, the best student in the Machine Learning curricular unit, coordinated by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Five students who concluded the curricular unit were selected, in the first phase of the competition, and were ordered according to their performance. A second moment followed, the final pitch, from which the winner emerged.

Ricardo Silva was the winner, receiving a prize of €1,325. The student expressed gratitude for the award and highlighted the importance of this type of initiatives for motivating and recognizing students' work. The remaining participants received an honorable mention.

The Vice-President for business connections and operations, Pedro Amaral, present at the event, highlighted “the importance of Técnico's connection to society and of creating relationships and partnerships, nurturing them, to maintain a stronger and constant connection to the industry and its needs”. The ceremony was also attended by Verónica Nabeiro and Carla Penedo, Talent Acquisition and Senior Manager Analytics at Celfocus, respectively.

The company donated €1200 to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC), to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The president of DEEC, José Santos Victor, thanked the company for the support and reaffirmed the importance of this award for motivating students to continue their good work.

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