“Técnico students create amazing projects”

The CGD Awards Ceremony took place this Wednesday, 18th November, at IST – Alameda campus. Seven projects received a total of €12,000 under the CA2ECTécnico.
“Congratulations on your excellent work, which results in these excellent projects”, said professor Luís Castro, Vice-President of Técnico for Financial Management. “Técnico remains an active and dynamic school thanks to the students who, year after year, join our community. We are very proud that our student groups represent Técnico in so many competitions”, he added.
“Técnico students create amazing projects”, said José João Guilherme, Executive Board Member at CGD. “Although we support these projects we feel that it is very little compared to the activities developed by these students”, he added. The Executive Board Member at CGD challenged those present: “Feel free to do what you want and make the most of skills acquired at Técnico”.
Francisca Simões, student vice-president of Pedagogical Board (CP), highlighted “the work, commitment and the capacity for sacrifice” of these students. “It’s not easy doing all this because you have to finish your course”, she stressed. The student also pointed out the capacity of Técnico student groups to get things done compared to other European student groups that have much more resources. “Your projects are a talent showcase”, she said. Francisca Simões thanked CGD for “their support in achieving the project’s goals”.
“We are very lucky to have this support from CGD that helps us to get a little closer to our dreams”, said Nuno Matos, coordinator of a winning project – Air Cargo Challenge.
The students presented their projects and talked about their ambitions, objectives and action plans.
The projects awarded were:
- Embarcação movida a Hidrogénio (Técnico Solar Boat), 2.000 euros
- FST 10e ( FST Lisboa), 2.000 euros
- Testes ISTSat-1 (SSETI-IST), 2.000 euros
- TLM03e (TLMoto), 2.000 euros
- Preparação para o Air Cargo Challenge ( AeroTéc), 1.600 euros
- Explora os Materiais ( NEMat), 1.500 euros
- Participação do N3E Robotics no Festival Nacional de Robótica (N3E), 900 euros