MEEC student receives merit award from Axians in Optimization and Algorithms

On February 23rd, the ‘Axians Merit Award in Optimization and Algorithms’ was presented by Axians, a partner company of the Técnico Partner Network. Tiago Brogueira, a Master's student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, was the winner of the first edition of this award, which will annually distinguish the best students in the course of Optimization and Algorithms.

The award-winning student stood out in his pitch, finishing the course with the maximum grade of 20, having received a prize worth 1750 euros. In his speech accepting the award, Tiago Brogueira said that ourse was “one of the courses he [liked] the most so far” and the one that “gave him the most pleasure in studying”. The initiative also includes a donation worth 1165 euros to improve teaching and learning conditions to the department responsible for the course, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Pedro Amaral, vice-president of Técnico for Business Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, highlighted that Técnico has an “increasingly open vision due to partnerships”, reinforcing that the “relationship with Axians is a partnership with a very interesting energy.” He also thanked professors Pedro Gomes and João Xavier, who helped students understanding the importance of the course.

A entrega do prémio foi precedida de um pitch pelos cinco estudantes que obtiveram nota superior a 17 valores – Afonso Certo, Alexandre Reis, José Lopes, Patrícia Marques e Tiago Brogueira – e que aceitaram o desafio de se apresentarem ao júri do prémio. Este foi constituído pelos professores responsáveis pela unidade curricular e por Marco Vicente, engenheiro também em representação da Axians. Todos os estudantes viram o seu mérito reconhecido através da entrega de diplomas.

The award ceremony was preceded by a pitch by the five students who obtained a grade above 17 – Afonso Certo, Alexandre Reis, José Lopes, Patrícia Marques and Tiago Brogueira – and who accepted the challenge of presenting themselves to the award jury (professors responsible for the course and Marco Vicente, an engineer also representing Axians). All students saw their merit recognized through the awarding of diplomas.

Representing Axians, Tiago Roxo said that the company “started its relationship with Técnico last year” and that “they increasingly believe in the closer relationship between the academy and the company”. “The innovation ideas that come to us, as a result of the relationship with students, and the partnership with the university is a strong part of Axians’ objectives next year”, he said.

José Santos Victor, president of DEEC, thanked Axians and Técnico for the award, saying that “it is very important to continue motivating students to work and maintain the level of demand that Técnico requires”. He also thanked the students who were “very interested and very hardworking”.

Original news: Técnico Lisboa – Engenharia, Arquitetura, Ciência e Tecnologia (
