GTSPT/Thales merit award recognises the academic merit of a Aerospace Engineering student

On 29 May, the GTSPT/Thales group awarded Pedro Tavares, the Técnico student with the best academic performance in the Digital Systems curricular unit (19.90). The Aerospace Engineering student received the award worth 1350 euros and expressed his gratitude for “being recognised for his work” and that it motivated him to “do better”.

The Vice-President of Técnico for Corporate Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Pedro Amaral, described these ceremonies as “always special” and that “valuing students is at the top of many companies’ priorities”.

João Mira, the GTSPT/Thales representative, recognised the company’s need to be close to “knowledge, to interact with professors, researchers and students”. “Attracting the student community to learn about the company’s technologies” is the aim of the initiative, he emphasised.

In addition to the merit award, GTSPT/Thales donated 900 euros to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) to improve teaching and learning conditions. “Our mission is to provide basic knowledge that is transformed into operational knowledge when it enters industry. We create talent that is then at the service of the world, with the mission of improving the world,” emphasised José Santos-Victor, Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

“This support has contributed to increasing student motivation”, said Paulo Lopes, professor of Digital Systems, also stressing that the amount donated will be used to “improve laboratories and facilities, resulting in a significant improvement in teaching”.

In addition to the award winners, students Francisco Pereira, Inês Costa and Diana Fernandes received academic merit diplomas for their performance in the same curricular unit.
