Portuguese Society of Robotics Awards, 2011

Melhor Tese de Mestrado: Atribuído ao trabalho "Motion Planning for a Rhombic-Like Vehicle Operating in ITER scenarios“, de Daniel Fonte, orientado pelo Dr. Alberto Vale, PhD em Eng. Electrotécnica pelo IST, e pelo Prof. Miguel Ayala Botto do DEM.

Best Master's Thesis Award: Delivered to the work "Motion Planning for a Rhombic-Like Vehicle Operating in ITER scenarios“, by Daniel Fonte, supervised by Doctor Alberto Vale, PhD in Electrotechnical Engineering (IST), and by Professor Miguel Ayala Botto from DEM.

Best Doctoral Thesis: Awarded to the work "Advanced Ultra-Short Baseline Inertial Navigation Systems", by Marco Morgado, supervised by Prof. Paulo Oliveira and Carlos Silvestre
