"How will AI revolutionize academia and teaching methods?"

"Público ao Vivo", "Não fiques de fora da conversa", PÚBLICO

"Present in our daily lives, it is becoming impossible to dissociate artificial intelligence from basic tasks, either due to the relevance of remembering or confirming information we already have, or due to the need to add any teaching to an urgent response. In the construction process of future professionals, academia and teaching methods are not left out. How far has artificial intelligence gone and what can we expect in the future?”

This was the motto for the panel that took place on May 8th, at the Técnico Innovation Center (TIC), and which included the participation of Professor Mário Figueiredo, from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

See full program:

Como é que a Inteligência Artificial vai revolucionar a Academia e os métodos de ensino? | PÚBLICO (publico.pt)
