Masters Day clarified students about paths to follow after graduating

With the 2nd phase of applications for Master's Degrees, taking place between June 11th and July 5th, on the afternoon of June 6th, the Main Hall (Salão Nobre) of the Instituto Superior Técnico opened its doors to the Técnico Master's Day, the event in which students, professors and staff at Instituto Superior Técnico are available to participants to clarify their doubts regarding Técnico’s 2nd cycle offer.

Filled with dozens of tables occupied by course coordinators, final-year students and representatives of various services of Instituto Superior Técnico, the Main Hall quickly became filled with conversations and exchanges of impressions about what it is like to follow a Técnico master's degree.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was represented in the masters degrees:

The event brought together students from these master's degrees, and their respective coordination teams, who answered the participants' questions.
