Machine learning techniques to diagnose diseases through medical imaging, by Mário Figueiredo

Episode 999 of Podcast "90 seconds of science", by Antena 1

The podcast "90 segundos de ciência" (90 seconds of science), produced by Antena 1, aims to publicize the science that is carried out in Portugal. The guest of this episode is Mário Figueiredo, full professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT).

Mário Figueiredo coordinates the Lisbon hub of the European Laboratory for Learning & Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), an European network of laboratories linked to the area of artificial intelligence, machine learning and automatic learning. In this episode Mário Figueiredo talks about the laboratory, which studies the use of machine learning techniques to diagnose diseases through medical imaging.

Podcast of Ep. 999 - Mário Figueiredo
