CNN Inovação: episode dedicated to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC)

On December 21st and 22nd, the 10th episode of the CNN Inovação program was aired on CNN Portugal, featuring insights from José Santos-Victor, Head of the Department, Pedro Lima, faculty member of the DEEC, and João Paulo Monteiro, involved in the ISTSAT-1 project, featuring the participation of some members of SocRob@Home.

This episode highlighted the latest advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, telecommunications, electronics, computers, and energy. The researchers emphasized the role of robots in improving the quality of life for the general population, from tasks like grocery shopping to cooperating with doctors in hospitals.

On the other hand, it also highlighted one of the main achievements of 2024: the launch of ISTSAT-1, discussing a bit of the project's history and its current goals.

"The pace of acceleration is enormous, the capacity for innovation is enormous, the challenges are endless, and therefore, we need more young people who want to accept these challenges."

José Santos-Victor, Head of DEEC

Watch the full episode here.

CNN Inovação - Instituto Superior Técnico: Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores

Photography: CNN
