Electrification of consumption: an urgent need

Opinion article by Professor Rui Castro, in Jornal i

Rui Castro, full professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, signs the article "Electrification of consumption: an urgent need" in Jornal i.

According to the author, "the National Energy and Climate Plan, in its most recent revision of June 2023, proposes even more ambitious goals for the incorporation of Renewable Energy Sources into the National Electric System, within the horizon of 2030." It is expected that the installed power from renewable sources in the National Electric System will increase from 21 GW in 2023, to 47 GW in 2030.

In the words of professor Rui Castro, "we could have a problem of lack of consumption as early as 2030, if measures are not taken to promote the electrification of consumption, particularly in transportation."

The full article is available here.
