DEEC Professors nominated Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and IET Electric Power Applications

Professors João Fernandes and Paulo Branco, from DEEC, Scientific Area of Energy, joined the Editorial Boards of the prestigious journals IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (TEC) and IET Electric Power Applications (EPA), respectively.

The Editorial Board of TEC includes more than seventy experts and academics, who evaluate high-impact articles on emerging aspects related to the conversion of any type of energy (mechanical, chemical, renewable) into Electrical Energy.

The Editorial Board of EPA, comprises nearly thirty experts and academics, and the articles published in this high impact journal, cover a wide range of applications and equipment in the power field.

Professor João Fernandes will hold the position of Associate Editor for two years, and Professor Paulo Branco will hold the position of Associate Editor for three years.

The  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enigineers (IEEE) is the world's largest and most prestigious technical professional organization in the field of electrical engineering, and promotes scientific and technological innovation and excellence.
