Agrupamento de Escolas das Laranjeiras participates in games at the Institute of Systems and Robotics

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering hosted a visit from students of the Laranjeiras School Group on the 27th of last month. The presentation of the department was given by Professor Sónia Pinto.
The students visited the Energy and Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence and Robotics modules.

The Energy and Sustainability module was presented by professors Pedro Bhagubai. In this module, the students observed experiments with superconductors, watching the levitation of materials after their cooling.

The Artificial Intelligence and Robotics module was presented by Bárbara Teixeira from the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR).

In addition to learning about the work developed by the ISR, the students had the opportunity to participate in games designed by a robot capable of detecting their movements.
The visit ended with a group photo taken at the entrance of the building and an invitation for more visits to the DEEC.
Photography: Marisa Pereira