Professor Luís Miguel Silveira elected vice-president of the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation

Luís Miguel Silveira, full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Vice-president of International Affairs at Técnico, was recently elected as vice-president of the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA), an IEEE Technical Council that aims to foster design automation of electronic circuits and systems at all levels. “I feel deeply honoured to have received this distinction and for being worthy of trust”, says the professor.
The vice-president of IST is member of IEEE since he was a student, he participated in several CEDA’s activities and he was Associate Editor of one of its publications. He is also a regular participant in IEEE Program Committee and he is Committee Chair at CEDA’s most prestigious conferences.
The invitation to join the team that will lead CEDA for two years “was impossible to refuse once it’s a boom area”, confesses professor Luís Miguel Silveira. Although the several positions he holds at Técnico and INESC-ID, “the possibility of being part of a dynamic team working towards common goals was difficult to refuse”, highlights the professor.
“At this moment CEDA is in charge of three IEEE publications, Transactions, Letters and a Magazine”, explains professor Luís Miguel Silveira. As in all IEEE structures, “we expect challenges related to technological progress, relationships with the powerful electronics manufacturing industry, cyber-physical systems and the internet of things”, says the newly elected vice-president of IEEE-CEDA.
According to professor Luis Miguel Silveira, “this election is very prestigious for Técnico and INESC-ID, and shows that the scientific and academic work carried out at Técnico is recognised and appreciated”.