worldwide ranking 2023 ranks José Bioucas Dias and Mário Figueiredo in the top 2 positions in Computer Science in Portugal

The updated list of worldwide ranking 2023, featuring the list of the best scientists ranked by their D-index (Discipline H-index) and number of citations, has been recently launched.
José Bioucas Dias (1960-2020) and Mário Figueiredo were ranked in the first two positions in Portugal, in Computer Science. They were the most cited, respectively with 28,171 and 29,803 citations in the research fields of Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Statistics, Algorithm, Hyperspectral imaging, and Pattern recognition.
DEEC professors José Santos-Victor and Isabel Trancoso are also ranked in the list of Best Computer Science Scientists in Portugal. José Santos-Victor has 7,763 citations, in the research fields of Artificial intelligence, Computer Vision and Statistics, while Isabel Trancoso has 6,025 citations in the research fields of Artificial intelligence, Programming language and Speech recognition.