Open applications for the award of the best DEEC thesis video, 2021/2022 Edition

Deadline: 19th December 2022, 4pm

DEEC instituted the prize for the best video on master's dissertations completed in the MEEC, MEE, MEAer, METI and MECD courses, supervised (or co-supervised) by the department's professors. The target length of the video, with content aimed at non-experts, is 3 minutes.

This prize has the following main objectives: to stimulate students' skills in terms of presenting their own work to non-specialists, and to compile material on students' work that can be used to publicize the department's activities.

The best video will receive a prize of €250. The videos (or extracts from them) may be used as promotional material for DEEC, as an incentive for future candidates or in publicizing the department's activities.

Applications for the 7th edition of the DEEC video contest are open until December 19th, 2022, and for dissertations completed, with approval, during the academic year 2021/2022. Videos must be submitted to the DEEC secretariat (, by 4 pm on that day, and accompanied by the copyright transfer form, for the purpose of promoting DEEC activities. We anticipate the release of results on February 1, 2023.

We need everyone's support, students and advisors, to show the world the best that students on our courses do!

Thesis Videos Contest Poster

Copyright transfer
