Técnico joins Consortium in Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Several DEEC researchers will contribute to the world’s largest consortium in Responsible AI

Técnico joined the world’s largest consortium in Responsible AI led by Unbabel, which aims to mitigate the risks associated with current machine learning technologies.

Several Técnico and DEEC professors and researchers hold prominent positions in this Centre for Responsible AI. Professors Arlindo Oliveira (INESC-ID) and José Fonseca de Moura are members of the Board. DEEC Professor Isabel Trancoso is a member of the Scientific Board, and Professor André Martins is member of the Executive Board.

The following DEEC Proofessors also collaborate in the project:

• Bruno MartinsIsabel TrancosoJoão Paulo Carvalho, from Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC-ID);

• Alexandre BernardinoCatarina Barata; José Santos-VictorPedro Lima, from Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR): 

André MartinsMário Figueiredo, from Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT):  

The amount invested, under the Recovery and Resilience Programme (RRP), will be 78 million euros and will generate more than 200 highly qualified jobs in Portugal.

The consortium is composed of other Portuguese entities: eleven startups, eight research centres and industry leaders in Life Sciences (four), Tourism (one) and Retail (one).
